Good morning, B. It's great to see you here at the construction site.

Good morning, A. It's exciting to finally see the project coming to life.

Definitely! Did you have a chance to review the latest design proposal I sent over last week?

Yes, and I must say I am very impressed. The sleek modern design is exactly what I was hoping for.

I'm glad to hear that. The team has been working hard to make sure we're delivering a space that meets all your needs and fits your vision.

One thing I was wondering about though is the outdoor seating. It's a bit exposed to the sun during the afternoon, do you have any ideas to address that?

Actually, we have installed a retractable awning that will provide shading during the hottest hours. It will also add a nice touch of flexibility to the space.

That sounds perfect. I'm really looking forward to enjoying a coffee there on a sunny day.

Me too, B. And speaking of which, the new café next door has opened up. Would you like to grab a quick bite to eat?

Sounds great, I hear they have some amazing pastries.

Yes, their croissants are my favorite. Let's go check them out.