Good morning, B! Are you ready for another day of transport and sales?

Good morning, A! I sure am. What animals do we have to move today?

We've got a whole bunch of chickens and a dozen pigs ready for sale. We need to load them up and take them to the market.

Sounds like a plan. I'll go get my truck and we'll start loading them up.

Great! While you're getting the truck, I'll go check on the animals and make sure they're all healthy and ready to go.

Hey, A, did you hear about the new calf that was born yesterday? It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

No, I didn't hear about it. I'll have to go take a look. We might even consider holding onto it and raising it ourselves.

I think that's a great idea. We could name it after you since you'll be taking care of it.

(laughs) That would be funny. I hope it's a girl so we can call her Annabelle.

Perfect! Annabelle it is.

(checking the transport list) Alright, we've got everything loaded up and ready to go. Let's hit the road!

(starting the truck) We'll be at the market in no time. Thanks for your help, A.

No problem, B. It's always a pleasure working with you.

(smiling) Likewise, my friend.