Good morning, how are you doing today?

I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking. Where would you like to go today?

I'm heading to Seoul for a weekend getaway. Have you been there before?

Yes, I have! It's a beautiful city with lots of things to do. Do you have any plans for your stay?

I'm planning to visit the historic palaces and try some delicious Korean food. What do you recommend?

You should definitely try some bibimbap and kimchi! They're traditional Korean dishes that you're sure to enjoy. Have you tried Korean food before?

Yes, I have. I really like bulgogi and japchae. Do you have a favorite Korean dish?

I would say my favorite dish is tteokbokki. It's a spicy rice cake dish that's very popular in Korea. Have you tried it before?

No, I haven't. I'll have to give it a try while I'm there. How long have you been a taxi driver?

I've been a taxi driver for about 10 years now. It can be tough, but I really enjoy meeting new people and helping them get to their destination.

That's great. Do you have any funny or interesting stories from your time as a taxi driver?

Well, I once had a passenger who left their dog in the backseat of my taxi! It was a little chihuahua that had been sleeping the whole ride. They came back within a few minutes to get it, but it was definitely a surprise.

Wow, that's quite a story. Thanks for sharing. We're almost to the airport now. How much do I owe you?

Your fare comes out to 50,000 KRW. Thanks for riding with me, and have a great time in Seoul!

Thanks, I will. Have a great day!