Hey, have you exchanged your money yet for the trip?

Not yet. I was thinking about doing it at the airport.

That's a good idea. Which currency do you want to exchange?

I need to exchange Euros to Dollars. What about you?

I need to exchange Yen to Dollars.

Do you think we should exchange some here or wait until we get to the airport?

It's probably better to wait. The exchange rate at the airport may be better.

Yeah, you're probably right. Should we go to the currency exchange booth or use the ATM to withdraw cash?

I usually go to the booth, but I heard that the airport ATM doesn't charge any fees for international transactions.

That sounds like a good deal. Let's go with that.

Alright, but make sure you check with your bank first to make sure there aren't any hidden fees.

Will do. Thanks for the heads up.

No problem. Do you have your ID and passport ready for the transaction?

Yes, I have them right here in my backpack.

Great. Let's hope the lines aren't too long.

Hopefully not. I don't want to miss our flight.

Don't worry, we still have plenty of time before our departure.

Okay, I feel better now. Let's go exchange our money so we can start our trip off on the right foot.

Agreed! Let's go get some cash!