Hi there, I need help with cancelling my flight and getting a refund.

Sure thing, what's the reason for the cancellation?

Unfortunately, I was so excited about my trip that I booked my flights on the wrong dates.

Oh no! That's a common mistake, don't worry. We can definitely help you with that.

That's great to hear, thank you. I also need to change my destination to a different city, is that possible?

Yes, we offer a service called "change of destination." Did you have a new city in mind?

Yes, I'll be heading to London instead of Paris. How much will it cost?

Let me check for you. It will cost an additional 100 dollars for the change of destination fee, and any difference in the ticket price.

Okay, that's not too bad. Can I also change my flight time?

We do have a fee for changing flight times. It starts at 75 dollars, depending on your original flight and the new flight you want.

Hmm, I think I'll just stick with the original flight time then.

No problem, I'll process your refund and change of destination request now. Can I have your booking reference number please?

Sure, it's XYZ123.

Great, just give me a few minutes to process everything and you'll receive a confirmation email with your new ticket details.

Fantastic, thank you so much for your help.

You're welcome, happy travels! And double check those dates next time! (laughs)