Hi, how are you?

I'm good, thank you for asking. Where are you headed?

To New York City. I'm visiting a friend there for the weekend.

That sounds like fun. Have you visited New York before?

Yes, I have. But it's such a big city, there's always something new to explore.

Absolutely. Speaking of exploring, do you have any plans for your visit?

Yeah, I'm planning on checking out some art galleries and taking a food tour of the city.

Nice choices! New York has some of the best art and food in the world.

I know, right? What's your favorite thing about the city?

It's hard to pick just one thing, but I love the energy and excitement of it all. Plus, the pizza.

I can't argue with the pizza. Speaking of food, do you have any recommendations for me?

Definitely try a bagel with lox and cream cheese. And if you're feeling adventurous, try some Halal food from the food carts.

Sounds delicious, thanks for the tips!

No problem. So, what do you do for a living?

I work in marketing. How about you?

I've been driving taxis for years. It's been a good way to see the city and meet interesting people like you.

That's awesome. Do you have any crazy or funny stories from your taxi driving days?

Oh, I have plenty. One time I picked up a group of tourists who were convinced they saw a celebrity walking down the street. Turned out it was just a lookalike.

(Laughs) That's hilarious.

Yeah, it definitely made for a memorable pick-up. We're almost there, by the way. Do you have your friend's address or do you need help?

I have the address, thank you. It was great chatting with you, Mike.

Likewise, Sarah. Have a great time in the city!

Thanks, I will. Bye!