Hi B! How are you doing today?

I'm doing well, thanks! How about you?

I'm good too. So, let's get straight to business. We are here to conduct a compliance audit for ISO 27001.

Yup, I am aware of that. Anything specific you need me to show you?

Well, we need to see evidence of your implementation of information security management system controls.

Sure thing. Let me just grab my password manager... oh wait, I forgot the password to my password manager!

*laughs* That's amusing. Don't worry, that's pretty common. Always remember to have a backup plan.

Yeah, definitely learned that the hard way. But don't worry, I have a written copy of my passwords stored in a secure location.

That's smart. Another important thing is to always keep your system updated with the latest security patches.

Absolutely agreed. We can never let our guard down when it comes to cyber attacks.

True, prevention is always better than cure.

By the way, have you heard about that new phishing technique where attackers send fake job offers to lure victims into giving away personal information?

No, I haven't. That's a new one on me.

Yeah, it's scary how creative these hackers can be!

Agreed. But let's focus on our audit for now. Do you have any questions or concerns for me?

No, I think we covered everything. Let's get started!

Perfect, let's do this!