Hey, B! How's it going?

Hi, A! It's going well. How about you?

Can't complain. Just trying to sort out this backlog of order data we have.

I feel your pain. It can be a real challenge to manage all of that data.

Yeah, we've been thinking about moving to a NoSQL database. What do you think?

Well, it can certainly handle large amounts of data and it's flexible, but it may not be the best choice for our specific use case.

Interesting. What approach do you recommend?

I think we should consider a hybrid solution. We can use NoSQL for handling the bulk of the data and a relational database for the more complex queries.

Hmm, that actually sounds like a good idea. We can leverage the best of both worlds.

Exactly! And it'll be easier to onboard new team members since relational databases are more widely used.

I agree. Thanks for your input, B. I'll start researching hybrid solutions and see what we can come up with.

No problem, A! Always happy to help out.