Good morning, Mr. B! It's a beautiful day outside. How are you feeling today?

Oh, I'm doing alright, I suppose. Just another day in this fine establishment.

Well, I'm here to make it a little more enjoyable for you. Would you like to play some cards or maybe do a crossword puzzle?

Oh, I haven't played cards in ages. I used to be quite good at poker, you know.

Really? Well, I'll have to watch out for any sneaky moves then. Let's get started!

(laughs) You're on! Do you mind shuffling the deck first?

Not at all. It's always good to have a fair game.

Say, have you heard any good jokes lately? I could use a good laugh.

Actually, I did hear one the other day. Why was the math book sad?

I don't know, why?

Because it had too many problems!

(laughs) That's a good one! You've got quite the sense of humor, A. Speaking of which, did you catch the game last night?

I did, and my team won! I can't wait for the playoffs.

Ah, a fellow sports fan. What's your favorite team?

The Lakers. I've been a fan since I was a kid.

The Lakers, huh? Well, I'll have to root for them too, then. I'm not much of a basketball fan but I always support the local team.

That's great to hear! We should watch a game together sometime.

That sounds like a plan. Thank you for being such a thoughtful nurse, A. You always know how to brighten up my day.

It's my pleasure, Mr. B. Taking care of you is the highlight of my day.