Hey, B, look at those birds gathering up in the tree branches.

Wow, they are so many. What kind of birds are they?

I'm not an expert in ornithology, but I think they might be sparrows or finches.

I wish I could fly like them. That would be amazing.

Oh, it definitely would be. But then again, you wouldn't be able to play video games or eat ice cream while flying.

(laughs) I guess that's true. Hey, let's go to the swing set, I want to swing high!

Sure thing. But be careful not to go too high, we don't want you to fly away like those birds!

(laughs) Don't worry, dad, I won't fly away.

You know, I used to love this playground when I was your age. It's cool to see you enjoying it too.

Yeah, it's awesome. Can we come back here again someday?

Of course. How about we make it a weekly tradition?

Yes, please! And next time we come, can we bring our dog, Buddy? He loves chasing squirrels.

Haha, sure, as long as he doesn't bark too much and scare away the birds.

(laughs) Don't worry, I'll keep him under control. Thanks for bringing me here, dad, I'm having so much fun.

My pleasure, kiddo. Spending time with you is always the highlight of my week.