Hi B, how are you doing today?

Hey A, I'm fine, thanks. How about you?

I'm doing well, thank you. So, let's get down to business. I have an upcoming gig for you.

That's great news! What kind of event is it?

It's a Christmas concert for a charity event.

Sounds like a lot of fun. What's the theme of the concert?

Well, since it's a holiday event the theme is going to be centered around Christmas songs.

Nice, have you chosen the songs we'll sing?

Not yet, but I was thinking of “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Silent Night” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

Those are all great Christmas songs. What about the outfit we'll wear?

The dress code is formal, so I was thinking of a suit with a festive red tie for you.

Wow, that's going to look amazing. What about you?

I'm thinking of a red dress with some Christmas accessories.

That sounds gorgeous, I'm sure you'll make a statement. By the way, what time is the gig?

We'll have to arrive at the venue at 5 pm, and the concert starts at 6 pm.

Okay, got it. How many people will be attending?

The event can hold up to 500 people, but we're expecting around 300.

That's great. I'm excited to perform, it's always fun to sing Christmas songs.

Absolutely, and it's even better that we get to spread some cheer for a good cause.

Definitely, I'm looking forward to it.

Me too! I'll email you the finalized details once everything is in place.

Sounds perfect. Thanks, A!

No problem. It's always a pleasure working with you.