Good morning, welcome to our travel agency. How can I assist you today?

Hi there! I'm looking for a tour package to visit Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

Great choice! We have a package for the Capitol Hill Tour. It includes a guided tour inside the Capitol Building, the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. Are you interested?

That sounds perfect! Can you tell me more about the guided tour?

Sure, the tour is led by a professional guide who will take you through the history and importance of these important American institutions. You'll also get to see some of the famous landmarks around Capitol Hill.

Wow, that's awesome! How long does the tour take?

The tour takes about three hours, and you'll have plenty of time to take pictures and explore the nearby attractions.

Alright, count me in! When does the tour start?

We have two tour schedules each day, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Which one is better for you?

I prefer the morning schedule.

Great, I'll add you to our morning tour list. Is there anything else you need for your trip?

No, that's everything for now. Thank you!

You're welcome! Just a heads-up, make sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before the tour starts. Have a great trip to Capitol Hill!