Hey, have you ever thought about doing an internship in Australia?

Actually, I have! I heard they have amazing opportunities for international students.

Yeah, I've been doing some research and there are a lot of great companies to work for.

Do you know if you need any special visas or permits to work in Australia?

I'm not exactly sure, but I think you need a work permit if you plan on working for more than six months.

Ah, got it. Do you know what the application process is like?

From what I've seen, it's pretty straightforward. You just need a strong resume, a cover letter, and some references.

That doesn't sound too bad. Do you have any recommendations for where to start looking for internships?

Definitely check out websites like Indeed or Glassdoor. They have a lot of listings for internships in Australia.

That's good to know! Have you thought about what industry you'd want to work in?

I'm considering marketing or advertising, but I'm also open to other industries.

Nice. I was thinking about environmental science or sustainability myself.

Oh, that's really cool! I bet Australia has a lot of opportunities in that field.

Absolutely. And speaking of Australia, have you ever tried Vegemite?

(laughs) Yes, I have. I'm not a huge fan though.

(laughs) Yeah, it's definitely an acquired taste. Have you been to Australia before?

Not yet, but it's definitely on my bucket list. How about you?

Same! I really want to visit the Great Barrier Reef and see all the unique wildlife.

That sounds amazing. Maybe we can plan a trip together once we both have our internships lined up!

Yes, let's do that! And hey, we'll already have an Australain work permit, so that's a perk!

(laughs) Absolutely. I can't wait!