Hi! I'm looking to purchase this beautiful blouse.

Great choice! May I ask what size you're looking for?

I'll need a medium, please.

Sure thing. Before you make your purchase, let me tell you how you can take care of this blouse.

Oh, please do.

First, this blouse is made of delicate fabric. It's important that you hand wash it using cold water.

Got it.

Secondly, you'll want to air dry it by laying it flat. Don't put it in the dryer!

I'll be sure to do that!

Finally, if you notice any wrinkles, you can use a steamer or iron it on a low setting.

That's super helpful. Thank you!

Of course! Do you have any other questions or concerns?

Nope, that's it for me. Thanks again!

No problem. Thank you for shopping with us!