Hi, B! Nice to meet you. I'm A, the advertising marketer. So, what kind of advertisement are you looking for?

Hi, A! Nice to meet you too. Well, I am interested in promoting my new clothing brand.

That sounds great! Do you have any specific requirements?

Yes, I want the advertisement to be creative and fun, something that will catch the attention of the youth.

Perfect! We can make a promotional video with young models wearing your clothing, along with catchy music and a vibrant background.

That sounds exciting! But what about the cost? I don't want to exceed my budget.

Don't worry. We can offer different package options that will fit your budget. You can choose the one that suits you best.

That's great news! What about the timeline? I need to launch the advertisement campaign as soon as possible.

Our team can start working on it immediately. We'll finish the video within two weeks and assist you in promoting it on all social media platforms.

Wow, you guys are fast! I'm impressed.

It's our job to make you happy, B. And we love doing it! So, let's get the ball rolling.

Sure, A. Let's do it! Thanks for your time and expertise.

My pleasure, B. Looking forward to collaborating with you.