Good morning! How are you feeling today?

Hi, thanks for asking. I'm feeling better than yesterday, but still not 100%.

I see. Well, we'll make sure to take good care of you. Have you had breakfast yet?

Yes, I had some oatmeal and a banana. Do you have any coffee?

Of course! Let me go grab you a cup.

Thank you. So, do you always work in the hospital?

Yes, I've been a nurse here for about five years now. It's definitely a challenging job, but also very rewarding.

I can imagine. It must be tough dealing with sick people all day.

It can be emotionally draining, but it's also amazing to be able to help people when they're at their most vulnerable.

That's really admirable. I'm so grateful for all the care I'm receiving here.

It's our pleasure. We're just doing our job. So tell me, what do you like to do for fun when you're not in the hospital?

Well, I love to read and watch movies. And I also play guitar.

That's cool! What kind of music do you play?

Mostly classic rock and blues. It's a good stress reliever for me.

I bet! Well, if you need anything else, just press the call button and I'll be right back.

Thanks so much, you've been really helpful.