How’s your homework going, B?

It’s okay, I’m just having trouble with math.

Would you like me to help you with it?

That would be great, thanks!

Let me see… ah, algebra. I remember this.

Do you always remember everything from school, Mom?

No, not everything. Just the stuff I had to study really hard for.

That makes sense.

Okay, let’s start with this equation. What’s x equal to?

Um… I’m not sure.

It’s okay, take your time. Remember, x is the variable we’re trying to solve for. So, let’s simplify this expression first.

Oh, I see it now. x equals 3!

Excellent! You’re getting the hang of it now.

Thanks, Mom. You make math seem easy.

Well, it’s all about practice. And besides, I was once in your shoes too.


Yes, really. But if you keep at it, you’ll get better and better.

I will, Mom. Thanks for your help.

Anytime, B. Now, let’s finish your homework so we can watch that movie we’ve been wanting to see.