Hi, I'm a staff member here at the International Affairs Office. How can I help you today?

Hi, I'm a college student interested in studying abroad. I was hoping to learn about your exchange programs.

Great! We have programs all over the world. What are you interested in studying?

I'm a business major, so I was thinking about studying in Europe, maybe in Italy or Spain.

Perfect! We have several partnerships with universities in those countries. What about your language skills?

I'm proficient in Spanish and know a little bit of Italian.

That's great. Knowing the local language will make your experience even better. Can you tell me more about your goals for studying abroad?

I want to broaden my perspective and learn about different business practices. I also want to improve my language skills and gain independence.

Excellent goals! Our programs offer students the chance to immerse themselves in a new culture while gaining valuable academic credit. Let me show you some options.

Thank you, that would be great.

Here are our exchange programs with universities in Spain and Italy. You can attend classes in English or in the local language. We also have scholarships available to help with expenses.

These options all look amazing. I'll definitely apply.

That's wonderful. If you have any questions or need any assistance, don't hesitate to come back and ask. We're here to help you succeed in your study abroad experience.

Thanks so much for your help. I'm excited to start this new adventure.

You're welcome. Best of luck in your studies!