Daddy, my tooth really hurts!

Oh no, did you eat too much candy again?

Maybe... but I really love candy!

Well, too much candy can cause cavities and toothaches. Maybe we should try to cut back a bit.

But what if I still get a toothache even if I don't eat candy?

It's possible, but there are other things that can cause toothaches too. Maybe we should make a dentist appointment just to be sure.

But I don't want to go to the dentist!

I know it's not always fun, but taking care of our teeth is important. The dentist can help us figure out how to make sure our teeth stay healthy.

Okay... but can we still have some candy every once in a while?

Of course! It's all about moderation. We just need to make sure we're not eating too much sugar all the time.

Okay, I'll try to be better about that. But can we still have ice cream tonight?

(laughs) Yes, we can still have ice cream tonight. One treat every now and then is okay as long as we take care of our teeth in the long run.

Okay, thanks daddy. You're the best!

Anything for my little sweet tooth. (smiles)