Hi there, beautiful day for tending to the orchard, right?

Yes, indeed. I come here often to collect herbs for my pharmacy.

Interesting. I had no idea the fruits we grow here had medicinal properties.

Oh yes, do you know that apples can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure?

Really? That's impressive.

Yes, and pomegranates have antioxidant properties that can prevent cellular damage.

That's helpful. Do you have any suggestions about how we can use these qualities to make some medicine?

Well, we could try processing the fruit and extracting the medicinal qualities in a concentrated form.

Hmm, that sounds like a lot of work. But I'm willing to try it.

It'll be worth it. We can help a lot of people to improve their health through our medicinal products.

You're right. Maybe we'll be able to sell our products in the local market and earn some extra income.

Absolutely. We could even collaborate and make some new products by combining different fruits and herbs.

This is a great idea. I'm excited to get started on this project.

Me too. Let's work together and make our orchard a hub for healthy living.

Sounds like a plan. Let's get to work then.