Hey B, have you heard about our new internal website system development using ASP.NET Razor Pages?

Yeah, I did. I'm excited to work on it. How about you, A?

I'm pretty stoked too. But, I must admit that I find Razor Pages a bit intimidating.

Really? But it's user-friendly and easy to use. You just need to get used to it.

That's good to hear. By the way, do you have any idea on how we can integrate that cool feature?

Oh, you mean the one that makes the website sparkle and glow?

Yeah, that one! But, I was thinking more of the one that lets you customize the background.

That's possible, but we need to find the corresponding APIs to make it work.

APIs? You mean those things that rely on HTTP requests to access web services?

You got it! But there's more to it than just that.

Wow, I had no idea. Do you often use them in your backend work?

Yes, they're very useful in handling data processing and retrieving.

I see. I'm amazed by what backend developers can do.

And I'm equally amazed by what front-end developers are capable of doing. It's a great teamwork.

Yeah, that's for sure. We always complement each other's skills.

Speaking of skills, have you seen the latest update on CSS?

Oh, do you mean the new CSS grid layout?

Exactly! It's a game-changer in web page layout design.

I've heard that it's flexible and responsive, making it easier to adjust and create dynamic web pages.

Definitely. With these new features, we can create even more stunning web designs for our clients.

Agreed! I can't wait to try it out.

Same here. The world of web development is constantly evolving and it's exciting to be a part of it.

It's definitely an ever-changing world, but that's what makes it fun and challenging at the same time.

For sure. Let's strive to be the best in our field and create something great for our company.